
Menampilkan postingan dari Juni, 2023



    KEMENTERIAN PENDIDIKAN DAN KEBUDAYAAN NASIONAL POLITEKNIK NEGERI MEDIA KREATIF PROGRAM STUDI PENERBITAN & FOTOGRAFI UJIAN AKHIR SEMESTER (UAS) GANJIL TAHUN AKADEMIK 2022/2023 Mata Kuliah : B.Inggris Komunikasi  ESP for Photography Tingkat/Semester/Kelas : II A Dosen : Dr. Zalzulifa, M.Pd. Hari/Tanggal Waktu Tahun Akademik : : : Rabu, 11-01-2021 10.00 – 11 .30 WIB 2022/2023 Bobot Kredit : 2 SKS       Sifat Ujian : Open References  (ESP for Vocational Learners)             Soal: Instruction:      Explain  your pragmatic experience in the use of PBLL approach for publishing studies using the basic skill of reading, writing, listening, speaking within the learning steps from  Prewriting, Drafting, Revising Editing, Layouting, Marketing, Delivering .              Student’s Identity Name                          : Ahmad Zulhamdi                   Study Program            : Fotografi  Project Title                :BARIZUR   1 PRE-WRITING  (Think and plan the Project) Prewriting  is th



STORYLINE BUSINESS PROFILE  TEAM MEMBERS : 1.   Ahmad zulhamdi (2291471005) 2.   Faustinus banyu Anindyaguna (2291471026) 3.   Muchammad Rizky Ramadhan (2291471047) 4. Muhammad Reevanza ( 2291471063)   INTRODUCTION TO BARIZUR CREATIVE STUDIO IN JAKARTA  Penulis Naskah  :            Muhammad Reevanza Sasaran            :           Publics Durasi              :           3 Minutes DESCRIPTION : Cut (Slide) Storyline (Alur cerita) Aset Visual (Gambar) Narasi  (Voice over) Perkiraan durasi     1     Opening Title Teks : Introduction Introduction of grup members 10 Second Gambar :  Logo BARIZUR photo studio     2     Introduction BARIZUR photo studio to the publics. Explaining about BARIZUR photo studio  Speaking text : BARIZUR CREATIVE STUDIO IN JAKARTA. ◦CREATIVE PRODUCTION SERVICES THAT TURN EXPERIENCES INTO UNFORGETTABLE IMAGES AND VIDEOS. WE ARE DOING A BENEFITS OF YOUR MOMENTS TO BE MEMORABLE AND LAST FOREVER. WE BRING BACK YOU TO THE GOOD OLD DAYS EVERY TIME YOU SEE IT. 20 second Gam


  Name                       : AHMAD ZULHAMDI Study Program  : D3 Fotografi Project Title        :    Mid-Term Test: 1.                     Please Explain Briefly about your understanding on Publipreneur Based Language Learning  (PBLL) 2.            How can PBLL Influence and improve your reading skill? Give example 3.            How can PBLL Influence and improve your writing skill? Give example 4.            How can PBLL. Influence and improve your listening skill? Give example 5.            How can PBLL Influence and improve your speaking skill? Give example 6.            Please give verbal verification about project you edit 7.            Please explain about editorial judgment on the project you edit    ANSWER :   1.   i think pbll it's good because this make me for more creative and learning for selling my skill to public to get the money before graduate from my college   2.    After i'm reading project books from senior about business plan    3.   After my lecturer given